buatlah 10 soal bahasa Inggris kelas 7 pilihan ganda dan

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Buatlah 10 soal bahasa Inggris kelas 7 pilihan ganda dan kunci jawaban​​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.“My classroom is very big “. The underlined word ..

a. Large

B. great

C. fat

d. clean

e. dirty

2. “She has long and thick fur”. The antonym of the underlined word is…

a. Heavy

b. Length

c. short

d. fragnant

e. colored

3. Mrs. Rossy : Good afternoon, students.

Students : Good afternoon, Ma’am.

Mrs. Rossy : Well, I cannot teach you this afternoon. I have a meeting with the


Students : That is alright. We will study by ourselves, Ma’am.

The underlined utterance is an expression of …

a. Greeting

b. Leave-taking

c. Introduction

d. Prohibition

4. Ruly : Hello, I am Ruly. … ?

Adi : Hello. My name is Adi. Pleased to meet you.

Ruly : Pleased to meet you too, Adi.

a. What is the matter with you

b. What is your name

c. How are you

d. Are you a new student

5. Ferly : Romy, this is my sister, Vivian.

Romy : … ?

Vivian : How do you do. I have heard so much about you.

a. How do you do

b. How are you

c. How is your life

d. What is up

6. Below are the expressions of introducing ourselves to others, except …

a. Hello, I am Any

b. It is the first time to meet you. I am Shelly

c. Let me introduce myself to you

d. I would like to introduce you to my friend, Franda

7. Excuse me, everybody. I would like to introduce Mr. Hakim to you all. He is a new employee in our office.

The underlined expression is …

a. Self-introducing

b. Introducing someone to others

c. Greeting

d. Leave-taking

Number 8 – 10 are based on this list of things.

pillow fridge blanket sink

jug wardrobe ruler dressing table

map knife teacher’s desk microwave

time table kettle frying pan juicer

grater bolster eraser cooker

8. Which of the following things is NOT commonly found in the kitchen?

a. Grater

b. Kettle

c. Ruler

d. Jug


9. Which of the following things is used of keeping clothes?

a. Wardrobe

b. Bolster

c. Fridge

d. Dressing table

10. It is a type of container commonly used to hold liquid. It has an opening, often narrow, from which to pour our drink. What is it?

a. Juicer

b. Kettle

c. Fridge

d. Grater

Kunci jawaban:

  1. B.
  2. C.
  3. A.
  4. B.
  5. A.
  6. D.
  7. B.
  8. C.
  9. A.
  10. B.

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Last Update: Mon, 30 May 22