to- to be to be to be to have to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari perdanawira98 pada mata pelajaran Bahasa lain untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

to- to be to be to be to have to study to play to cry to carry to collect to give to go to look to play to do to lose to like to explain am are have study play cry carry collect do not collect give 90 Present look play do lose like explain(s) was was were had Past studied did not study played cried carried collected gave went looked did not play did did not do lost liked did not like explained did not explain -ing being being being having studying playing crying carrying collecting giving going looking playing doing losing liking explaining​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


The given sequence of words seems to be a mix of verb forms in different tenses and gerunds (-ing forms). It appears to be a combination of the base form of verbs ("to be," "to have," "to study," etc.), past tense forms, negations ("not"), and present participle forms ("-ing" forms).

Here is a breakdown of the words in the given sequence:

Base form: to be, to have, to study, to play, to cry, to carry, to collect, to give, to go, to look, to do, to lose, to like, to explain

Present tense: am, are, have, study, play, cry, carry, collect, give, go, look, play, do, lose, like, explain

Past tense: was, were, had, studied, played, cried, carried, collected, gave

Negations: do not, did not, did not collect, did not play, did not do, did not study, did not like, did not explain

Present participle: being, studying, playing, crying, carrying, collecting, giving, going, looking, playing, doing, losing, liking, explaining

It seems like a combination of verb forms in different tenses and contexts. Please let me know if there is any specific information or question related to this sequence that you would like assistance with.

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Last Update: Thu, 31 Aug 23