Dialog 1Yulia: Are you mopping the floor again? You've just

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari septiar3356 pada mata pelajaran Bahasa lain untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Dialog 1Yulia: Are you mopping the floor again? You've just finished mopping it, haven't you?
Nadya : Well, I tripped over the stool and feel and spilled my milk all over the floor.
Yulia: Sorry to hear that.

Dialog 2

Ryan: Did you all go to practice football in the field yesterday afternoon? Only Yudi and I went to football practice. Bagas could not come because he had a lof of homework to do.
Yudi: Yes, when we got to his house, to pick him up. He was doing his homework.

Ryan: I see.


1. What is Nadya doing?

2.What makes the floor messy?

4.who had many assingnmets to do?

5: why dis Hendri and Yudi go to bagas house​

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kak nga tau bahasa inggris

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Last Update: Tue, 03 Jan 23