Dialogue 4Edna : I can't choose one of these dresses.

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Dialogue 4Edna : I can't choose one of these dresses. They are so cute.
Mahira : But I think the red dress is the most beautiful one.
Edna : Really?
Mahira : Sure. You'll look as sweet as Cinderella. Even you'll be prettier than her,
: Oh thanks for the words. I'll take this one.
Task 8
Answer the questions!
1. What is Edna's problem?
2. What dress does Mahira suggest?
3. How will Edna look like if she wears the dress suggested by Mahira?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.edna can't choose of the dresses

2.red dress

3.she's look as sweet as cinderella

semoga membantu <3

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Last Update: Tue, 27 Jul 21