1.what does the writer think about her mother2.how is the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nurmut1312 pada mata pelajaran Bahasa lain untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1.what does the writer think about her mother2.how is the hair of the writer's mother
3.the writer's mother have beautiful eyes what does the color look like
4.is the skin of the writer's mother soft
5.what are the hobbies of the writer's mother
6.why does the writer's very love her mother
7.how does the writer's mothaer manage the house
8.does the writer's mother like any mess in the house
9.what does the writer's mother do when the writer's is going to sleep
10.what does the writer's mother do when the family has a problem

tolong bantu​
1.what does the writer think about her mother2.how is the hair of the writer's mother3.the writer's mother have beautiful eyes what does the color look like4.is the skin of the writer's mother soft5.what are the hobbies of the writer's mother6.why does the writer's very love her mother7.how does the writer's mothaer manage the house8.does the writer's mother like any mess in the house9.what does the writer's mother do when the writer's is going to sleep10.what does the writer's mother do when the family has a problem tolong bantu​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. She think that her mother is a beautiful person

2. Her mother has a curly brown hair

3. Is like a honey

4. Yes

5. Singing and dancing

6. Because her mother was a kind person

7. Her mother likes to keep they're house clean and neat

8. No she doesn't

9. Her mother kissed her

10. Take care of it

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Last Update: Mon, 26 Jul 21