or Once there lived a rich king. His name was Midas. However

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari abdimeme pada mata pelajaran Bahasa lain untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

OrOnce there lived a rich king. His name was
Midas. However he was not happy because he
wanted to be the richest king all around the world.
One day as Midas sat on his throne; his
servant came to him with an old man.
"Master," said the servant. "We have found
this person around your orchard. He's Silenus, the
friend of the god Bacchus."
Midas had an idea. He welcomed the old
man as his guest for ten days. At the end of the ten
days, Midas took Silenus back to the god Bacchus.
Bacchus was very happy to see his lost friend. He
said to Midas," I will grant you any wish you make."
Midas was very happy. Then, he asked every-
thing he touched would turn into gold. On his
return to his place, Midas tried out his new power.
Everything he touched, it became gold. Then, he
went for a walk in the garden. His children ran up
to him. Without thinking he touched his children and
instantly they turned into little gold statues. Midas
cried. He hurried to Bacchus. Bacchus felt sorry for
Midas and ordered him to go to the River Pactolus
and wash his hands in its water. This would take
away the golden touch.
'Midas had found out that all gold in the world
did not bring any happiness.'
(38) The purpose of the text is....
a. To instruct a rich king
To amuse someone about a rich king
To identify Midas had sent Silenus back
d. How to be the richest king

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I don't understand your language

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Last Update: Sun, 11 Dec 22