3 istilah waktu dalam bahasa Yunani, artinya dan contohnya​

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3 istilah waktu dalam bahasa Yunani, artinya dan contohnya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Chronos: This term in Greek refers to linear, measurable time, often used in the sense of "clock time" or "time that is measurable in seconds, minutes, and hours." Example: "I need to set a chronos for the meeting to start."

2. Kairos: This term in Greek refers to a specific moment or time that is opportune or meaningful. It is often used to refer to a moment of significance or a turning point. Example: "This is a kairos moment in our company's history."

3. Aion: This term in Greek refers to a prolonged period of time, often with the connotation of eternity or timelessness. It is often used to refer to the concept of "eternal time" or "eternity." Example: "The concept of aion is central to many ancient Greek beliefs about the afterlife."

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Last Update: Thu, 20 Apr 23