*kisi-kisi Bahasa Inggris kelas 7*-simple present tense (using verb +S/ES)-OSASCOMP

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*kisi-kisi Bahasa Inggris kelas 7*-simple present tense (using verb +S/ES)

-OSASCOMP (mostly about Opinion)


- OSASCOMP (synonym)

-simple present tense (pay attention of using do/does and have/has!)

-OSASCOMP (pay attention about their stand for!)

kak tolong bantu kisi kisi b. inggris akuu, buat hari ini soalnya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Kisi-kisi Bahasa Inggris kelas 7:

  • Simple present tense (using verb +S/ES)

Subject-verb agreement

Singular and plural nouns

Third person singular verbs

OSASCOMP (mostly about Opinion)

Opinion words such as "in my opinion", "I believe that", "to me", etc.

Adjectives that express opinions such as "good", "bad", "interesting", "boring", etc.

  • Noun

Singular and plural nouns

Countable and uncountable nouns

Possessive nouns

  • OSASCOMP (synonym)

Synonyms for words commonly used in writing and speaking

Words that are commonly overused and can be replaced with a synonym

  • Simple present tense (pay attention to using do/does and have/has!)

Using "do" and "does" to ask questions and make negative statements in the present tense

Using "have" and "has" to form the present perfect tense

  • OSASCOMP (pay attention to their stand for!)

Using OSASCOMP (Opinion, Size, Age, Shape, Color, Origin, Material, Purpose) to describe objects

Identifying the correct adjectives to use for each category of OSASCOMP

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Last Update: Sun, 21 May 23