tolong bantu plissss nanti di kumpulkam 1.Being healthy is

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Tolong bantu plissss nanti di kumpulkam1.Being healthy is very important for our lives. People have some different ways to keep their body healthy. Some people will take care much on eating healthy food, doing regular exercise, avoiding instant foods and keeping the environment clean. Here are what people do and not to do to keep their body healthy. We need to have proper food to keep our body healthy. We need to have vegetable, fruit, rice, meat, fish, egg, tofu and tempe. Don’t skip breakfast so that you have energy to do your activities during the day. Remember, you should not eat too much fatty food. Regular exercise is good for your health, too. We can jog to have stronger lungs. We can also swim in order to have strong muscles. Swimming is also good to stay in shape. Remember, always do a warm up before doing any exercise to avoid muscle injury. Many kinds of instant foods are not good for your health. They may contain dangerous chemicals, like MSG, preservatives, and artificial colours. We should not eat too much instant food so that we will not get serious diseases. In order to stay healthy, we should eat a lot more healthy home-made foods. In order to be healthy we should keep our environment such as home and school clean. We should sweep and mop the floors to get rid of the dirt. We have to wash our clothes regularly so that mosquitoes don’t lay their eggs there. We should wash the dishes right away after meals to prevent harmful bacteria and dirty animals. Question: What does the text tell us about?

A.How to keep our lungs healthy.

B.How to keep our environment healthy.

C.How to keep our body healthy.

D.How to do good regular exercise

2.Rainbows happen when sunlight and rain combine in a very specific way. The beams of sunlight separate into the colours we see in the rainbow as they enter a raindrop. Sunlight is actually made up of different colour that we don’t usually see. When a beam of sunlight comes down to earth, the light is white. But if the light beam happen to hit raindrops on the way down at a certain angle, the different colour that make up the beam separate so that we can see them – in the form of rainbow. The angle for each colour of a rainbow is different, because the colour slow down at different speeds when they enter the raindrop. The light exits the raindrop in colour, depending on the angle it came in, so we see only one colour coming from each raindrop. Light at different angles coming through many raindrops form the rainbow that we see, in stripes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Question: What makes the rainbow has different colour?

A.Light and raindrops coming at the same time.

B.Light at different angles coming through many raindrops.

C.Light and raindrops making up the beam.

D.Light and raindrops having different speeds.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. C How to keep our body healthy

2. A.Light and raindrops coming at the same time.

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Last Update: Sun, 08 May 22