2.Observe the song and pay attention to the lyrics to

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2.Observe the song and pay attention to the lyrics to answer the questions!
Rhoma Irama
The horror that is gripping and destroying the whole world
When the creature is coming to attack and to kill us
It cannot be seen by the eye and cannot be touched
But it's scared and terrified everyone in the world
Almost every single country was forced to lockdown
Isolated and silenced feeling fear beyond expression
Only to you my lord we ask for protection
From the threat of the danger that pandemic virus
Please give us a guidance to fight against it
The eyes of the world are open how weak we are as humans
Although already powerful we are actually fragile
Only with a small microbe that is called corona
Has already destroyed the basis of our lives
Action and also prayer let us make an - fort
To save and free the world from microbe...
It called corona
1. What is the title of the song?
2 What is the purpose of the song writer to write the song?
3. How does the song writer describe the coronavirus in his song?
4. What does the word "l' in the first couplet refer to?
5. What can you get from the song?
the song by dearching it in internet!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. The title is Corona Virus.
  2. The purpose of the song writer to write the song is to ask people to action and also prayer so that can fight the corona and free the world from microbe.
  3. He is describes that corona cannot be seen by the eye and cannot be touched. But it's scared and terrified everyone in the world.
  4. "I" refer to the singer. "It" refer to corona.
  5. I can get that we must action like lockdown and always pray to God

semoga membantu. jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

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Last Update: Mon, 31 May 21