Match the picture with the correct short story summaries. What

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Match the picture with the correct short story summaries. What clues did you get from the summaries? Underline the clues!Mohon Bantuannya Kak:(
Match the picture with the correct short story summaries. What clues did you get from the summaries? Underline the clues!
Mohon Bantuannya Kak:(

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Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Match the picture with the correct short story summaries. What clues did you get from the summaries? Underline the clues!

  1. clues : The husband despairingly suggested borrowing some jewellery from Madame Jeanne Forestier. Mathilde went to and her husband were shocked to know the price of the original necklace and desperately managed to get 36,000 francs, Topic : romantic
  2. Clues : One ocassion, jim bet a stranger that his fog jumped the furthest, Before the competition. After the stranger ran away with $40, jim figured out that he was cheated, Topic : fiction
  3. Clues : finally, these two kids found a house in the forest. Unfortunatelly, they were tricked by a wich who later on caught and turtured them, Topic : romantic
  4. Clues : If Antonio could not double the money in theree months he would have to pay with a pound of his own flesh. Antanio accepted the treatment because he was convinced that his ships would arrive  at the port of Venice with many riches in time. Unfortunately, he was wrong and he wasn't able to repay the loan. Topic : Narrative

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Last Update: Sun, 16 Jan 22