This is Science, Question Why people should read the label of Drugs

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This is Science,Question
Why people should read the label of Drugs Facts before taking the medicine. Pick three (3) answers

1. so he knows the active ingredients in the medicine and the purpose
2. so he knows the right dose he knows how the uses of medicine he knows how to make the medicine he knows how to sell the medicine

Tolong jawab ya kak

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. so he knows the active ingredients in the medicine and the purpose.

(agar dia mengetahui bahan aktif obat dan tujuannya).

2. so he knows the right dose.

(jadi dia tahu dosis yang tepat).

3. so he knows how the uses of medicine.

(jadi dia tau kegunaan obat).

ini yaa, have a nice day-!

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Last Update: Mon, 23 May 22