A story of telaga biru bahasa inggris kelas 9

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A story of telaga biru bahasa inggris kelas 9

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Once upon a time, long ago, in North Halmahera, North Maluku, there lived a handsome young man named Magohiduuru in a small village. He has a beautiful lover, named Majojaru. This pair of lovers believed that they would be loyal to each other to death with them. Magohiduuru wants to propose to Majojaru, but he feels too poor to support himself, especially if he has a wife and children. Therefore, he wanted to sail to a faraway place to try his luck.

"Majojaru, my dear, I want to go to a far place," he went to Majojaru.

Why do you wanna go? asked Majojaru.

Magohiduuru did not answer. “Majojaru, I love you more than anything in the world. You believe, don't you? "

"Yes, I believe. I also love you more than anything in this world, ”replied Majojaru.

"I want to marry you if you are willing," said Magohiduuru.

"Of course I'm willing," said Majojaru.

"Therefore, I have to go. I'm too poor to support myself, especially when we are married. I want to make a living. I promise, if I save enough, I will come back and marry you, "explained Magohiduuru.

Majojaru applied Magohiduuru closely. Fine, but don't forget to write letters to me often. "

Magohiduuru Then he got into the ship and left.

A year later, Majojaru had not received a letter from Magohiduuru for a long time. He is very worried about his girlfriend. One day, he went to the port and waited a little afraid for a sailor.

Excuse me, I have something to ask. Have you ever heard of a young man named Magohiduuru? He is my lover. It's been a long time since I heard from him. I'm afraid something happened to him, "he said.

The defense group sailor. The face turns sad.

“Poor girl. Your lover died in an accident, while he was working, "said the sailor.

Majojaru trembled. He ran home and wept, bursting sadness in his heart. He couldn't stop crying. He went to the fields and sat on the rocks under the banyan tree, still crying. He continued to cry for three days and three nights, until his tears became a lake. Majojaru drowned in the lake and died.

The villagers who came to the field wondered why a lake had suddenly appeared there. One of those who had heard the story of Majojaru and Magohiduuru told the other villagers that Majojaru's tears formed the lake. They grieve for the couple and watch over the lake. They named it Telaga Biru, because the water in the lake is very blue and clear.

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Last Update: Sun, 16 May 21