A. Arrange the sentences to make a good dialog. Man

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari richardseraf30 pada mata pelajaran Bahasa lain untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

A. Arrange the sentences to make a good dialog.Man : The style really suits on you. I really love your T-shirt.
Man : I think you look very lovely today.
Man : Exactly. Where did you find it? Woman: I went to Carol's store and picked it out.
Woman: Well, I think you look pretty good yourself also today.
Woman: Do I? Do you mean the brand new T- shirt ?
B. Answer the questions basic on the dialog.
1. Why does the man compliment the man ?
2. How does the man express his compliment ?
3. How does the woman respond to the men's compliment ?
4. What does Carol's store probable sell?
5. What does the T-shirt look like?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


A. Arrange the sentences to make a good dialog.

Man : I think you look very lovely today.

Woman : Well, I think you look pretty good yourself also today.

Man : The style really suits on you. I really love your T-shirt.

Woman : Do I? Do you mean the brand new T-shirt?

Man : Exactly. Where did you find it?

Woman : I went to Carol's store and picked it out.

B. Answer the questions basic on the dialog.

1. Why does the man compliment the woman?

* Because he think the woman look very lovely today.

2. How does the man express his compliment?

* He said "The style really suits on you. I really love your T-shirt."

3. How does the woman respond to the men's compliment?

* She said "Do I? Do you mean the brand new T-shirt?"

4. What does Carol's store probable sell?

* T-shirts

5. What does the T-shirt look like?

* T-shirt is a style of fabric shirt named after the T shape of its body and sleeves.

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Last Update: Sun, 02 Jan 22