Read the conversation below! Kim : Hi Febri! I've looked

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari unknown pada mata pelajaran B. perancis untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the conversation below! Kim : Hi Febri! I've looked for you in your class but you wasn't there. Febri : Oh, yes I've sitting here in canteen enjoying my lunch. What's up? Kim : Me with my friends will held the friendly football match in the school field in Sunday. I wish you could join with our team. Febri : Okay, I'd love to come! That would be very interesting! Kim : Yes of course. Please be around school at Sunday on 3 pm. Febri : Okay, thanks for inviting me. Kim : My pleasure.1. How many person are there in the conversation?
2. Where Will they go ?
school field
football yard
house 3. Kim asked febri to be at school around at...

3 pm
3 am
2 am
4. When will the football match be hold ?

5. Does Febri accept the invitation ? * 20 poin Yes,
She does
No, She doesn't
No,I donot know
Yes,I do
plisss tadi salah soaal ni yang betul
gue tau kalian pintar☺️☺️​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Two

2. School Field

3. 3 Pm

4. Sunday

5. Yes She does

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Last Update: Thu, 30 Dec 21