“Be a Brave” This day Lisa, Alex and William want go

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“Be a Brave”This day Lisa, Alex and William want go to sky diving at Worscho Park and at Sky Explorer Mountain. But Lisa is scared of high place, Alex try to give advice so Lisa can be brave. But Lisa still scared. William said “In count three we jump together.” Lisa said “OK.” Alex said 1. William said 2. And Lisa said 3. Alex, William and Lisa jump together at the same time. Alex said “Did you still scared of high place Lisa?” Lisa said “No, this is fun this is isn’t scary yeay.” William said “Open Your Parachute now” Alex and Lisa say “Oki Doky” After they land at Sky Explorer Mountain Lisa said “Let’s Do Again It’s Fun, Oh do we need go down?”

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这一天,丽莎、亚历克斯和威廉想去 Worscho 公园和 Sky Explorer 山跳伞。 但丽莎害怕高处,亚历克斯试图提供建议,让丽莎变得勇敢。 但是丽莎还是害怕。 威廉说:“第三次我们一起跳。” 丽莎说:“好。” 亚历克斯说 1。威廉说 2。丽莎说 3。亚历克斯、威廉和丽莎同时跳起来。 亚历克斯说:“你还害怕丽莎的高处吗?” 丽莎说:“不,这很有趣,这并不可怕。” 威廉说“现在打开你的降落伞” 亚历克斯和丽莎说“Oki Doky” 在他们降落在 Sky Explorer Mountain 后丽莎说“让我们再做一次很有趣,哦,我们需要下去吗?”


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Last Update: Tue, 04 Jan 22