Tolong bantu translate lagu ini ke inggris ya dan tolong

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari TiffanyMayumi pada mata pelajaran B. jepang untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Tolong bantu translate lagu ini ke inggris ya dan tolong juga kasih tau nama lagu nya , jawabnya agak cepat ya soalnya lagi di sekolahIni lagunya ya , Dan tolong kasih tau judul lagu nya juga

いつもどう頑張って努力をした所で 指し示されるは平均値
くだらない評価に踊らされてばかり もう嫌になっちゃったこの人生

「異常」が胸を埋めつくして 普通じゃない自分になるの
ほら見てよ ほら触れてよ 凡庸な服を捨て去って

今サナギから 蝶になるの ありのまま全て見せつけて
冷めきった舞台 演者はいない ならステップ刻んで1,2,3
踊らされるんじゃない 踊るのよ さぁ狂って
「普通」が呪いをかけてきて 「異常」に憧れたの

異論、持論に興味などないから もう鍵をかけて

ほら見てよ ほら触れてよ 凡庸な服を捨て去って
今サナギから 蝶になるの ありのまま全て見せつけて
冷めきった舞台 演者はいない ならステップ刻んで1,2,3
踊らされるんじゃない 踊るのよ さぁ狂って

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan:

dibawah ini adalah lagu yang berjudul アブノーマリティ・ダンシンガール (Abunōmariti danshingāru)yang artinya adalahAbnormality Dancing Girl

terjemahan dalam bahasa inggrisnya

No matter how hard I try or how much effort I put in

The results are always average

I can't go on like this

Constantly being manipulated by useless measures of worth

I've already come to hate this life

So, I think I'll restart my life

My chest is completely filled with “abnormality”

I'm becoming a me that isn't normal

I ask myself over and over, "did I get it?

A brand new me."

Look at me now, touch me right now

I’ll throw away my ordinary clothes

Now, from my chrysalis, I’ll become a butterfly

I’ll show off everything as it is

Therе are no performers on this coolеd-off stage

So I'll beat out the steps, 1, 2, 3

I'm not being manipulated

I'm dancing! Yeah, I'm going cr4zy!

"Normality" cast a curse on me

And I yearned for "abnormality"

I don't have any interest in your differing opinions or pet theories;

I’ve already locked the door

I went beyond “love” and “hate”

And fell deeply in love with “abnormality” a long time ago

And from the ruins of that warped love, it was created—

A brand new me

Look at me now, touch me right now

I’ll throw away my ordinary clothes

Now, from my chrysalis, I’ll become a butterfly

I’ll show off everything as it is

There are no performers on this cooled-off stage

So I'll beat out the steps, 1, 2, 3

I'm not being manipulated

I'm dancing! Yeah, I'm going cr4zy!

In a dark room by myself

Before the mirror at midnight

"Who are you?" "Who am I?"

I asked, but received no reply

Go cr4zy, gocr4zy, go cr4zy, go cr4zy, go cr4zy, go cr4zy, go cr4zy, dance

Oh, brand new me...

Look at me now, touch me right now

Dressed up in transparent clothes

Now, from my chrysalis, I’ll become a butterfly

I’ll show off everything as it is

There are no performers on this impassioned stage

So I'll beat out the steps, 1, 2, 3

I'm not being manipulated

I'm dancing! Yeah, I'm going crz4y!

My chest is completely filled with “abnormality”

I'm becoming a me that isn't normal

And from the ruins of that warped love, it was created—an unfulfillable love

My chest is completely filled with “abnormality”

I'm becoming a me that isn't normal

I ask myself over and over, "did I get it?

A brand new me.


Detail Jawaban

Kategori Umum


Kategori sekolah :

Mapel: Bahasa Jepang

Kelas: 10

Kata kunci : terjemahan

kode soal : 15    

kode kategorisasi : 10.15.

semoga membantu :)            

良い一日を !!!!!!!

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Last Update: Wed, 31 May 23