Questionsand topping of many various dishesingredients9 what is the text

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dinibbw2340 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Questionsand topping of many various dishes
9 what is the text talking about?
10 how many steps to make fried
crackers ?
11. which statement is not correct
based on the text?
12. how many ingredients needs?
13. what are the ingredients of tried
the steps
pour enough frying oil into a pan and wait until the oil
is sufficiently hot. then drop the crackers in, after a
while turn them over until they fully expand. take
them out from the pan and lay them on absorbent
answer the question below based on the followme text! (customs o tu)
easy for fry quickly expand and save the oil
usage. easy to serve, sun drying is not needed, fried
crackers can be stored in a lar, can be served as snack
fresh garlic, selected tapioca, vegetable, sugar, egg and​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


is that what's in this book also one dozen prices how much net profit Rp initial text there is an operation used is the most part among these


dan topping berbagai macam hidangan


9 apa yang dibicarakan teks tersebut?

10 berapa langkah untuk membuat goreng

biskuit ?

11. pernyataan mana yang tidak benar?

Berdasarkan teks?

12. berapa banyak?

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Last Update: Mon, 03 Jan 22