Tolong bantu jawab kk Learn With CicihCarilah 5 kalimat Simple

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Tolong bantu jawab kk Learn With CicihCarilah 5 kalimat Simple present Tense
Find the sentences in the simple present tense in the previous tasks
Tolong bantu jawab kk Learn With CicihCarilah 5 kalimat Simple present TenseFind the sentences in the simple present tense in the previous tasks1.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Simple Present Tense

  1. Science club is a place for students.
  2. Members perform various experiments.
  3. They have an opportunity to learn.
  4. They have fun in the process.
  5. This club strives to keep science interesting.


Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk kata kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk digunakan dalam menyatakan kebiasaan atau kegiatan rutin dan juga fakta. Rumusnya terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu:

A. Nominal Sentence

➡ Kalimat Nomina yang di dalamnya tidak ada kata kerja.

(+) S + Be (is/am/are) + Complement

  • (1) Science club is a place for students.

B. Verbal Sentence

➡ Kalimat Nomina yang di dalamnya ada kata kerja.

(+) S + Verb-1 (s/es) + Complement

  • (2) At meetings, members perform various experiments to extend their general knowledge as well as have a lot of fun in the process.
  • (3) They havean opportunity to learn
  • (4) and once again, They have fun in the process.
  • (5) This club strives to keep science interesting.


Present Tense bentuk Passive Voice

(+) S + Be (is/am/are) + V3 + Complement

  • Members arehighlyencouragedto participate in science competitions
  • They are given a chance to represent the school.


Simple present tense dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris


  • Kelas: 10
  • Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
  • Materi: Reading
  • Kode: 10.5

Kata kunci: Simple Present Tense

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Last Update: Sun, 17 Apr 22