Instructions (tolong jangan sama yg ada di google)1. Make a dialogue

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lia0072 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Instructions (tolong jangan sama yg ada di google)1. Make a dialogue with the following narrative:
1. you join in a competition (it can be an academic or non-academic competition).
2. After performing, you sit and wait for the announcement of the winner of that competition.
3. Suddenly, beside you sits a participant who joins in a different competition, but the waiting room for the announcement is the same.
4. You greet and invite him to make small talk.
5. After introducing each other, suddenly the jury conveyed the winners of the competitions. One of you won first place. So, you have to congratulate and praise each other’s success and achievement in becoming winners of for having a great experience even though one of you don’t become the winner yet.

2. Your dialogue must include a self-introduction structure (greeting, using the expression of self-introduction, and introducing your identity)

3. The dialog must also include the expression of congratulating and complimenting others.

4. Each speaker must talk at least ten times sentences in that conversation ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Althea joining a swimming competition, and now, she is waiting for the announcement of the winner. there is not only a swimming competition, but also some other PE competition like an archery, volleyball match, basketball match and also football match. she is sit down on the chair in the waiting room. after a while, a boy sit down beside her. he looks at Althea and then she di the same with giving a little smile to him.

Althea : Hi, I'm Althea, what's your Name?

Alegra : I'm Alegra,

Althea : What competition are you joining for?

Alegra : Archery, What about you?

Althea : I'm joining the swimming competition

Alegra : That's sounds great

Althea : You too.

Alegra : Are you Love swimming?

Althea : that's my passion since i was kid. what's about you?

Alegra : me too. i love it since i was kid. how's your feeling to wait it?

Althea : I feel rrrr.... a little bit worry, i think i need more trained after it. and you?

Alegra : not so worry as much, i think that i have done the best.

Althea : uuuuu... you're too confidence...

Alegra : it's better than insecure, Althea..

Althea : yayaya.... mr. confidence

Alegra : you're so cute with that smile

after a while they have a small talk, the jury announcing the winner of the competition. Alegra won the first place of archery competition.

Althea : wooow... congrats Al... you are great. i'm proud of you

Alegra : thanks Althea... I'm so surprise with it. thanks a lot for our Introduction. Glad to see you

Althea : Glad to see you to Alegra, see you

Alegra : see you too.

cukup sekian, maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh araaldreicko02 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Mon, 03 Jan 22