Pertanyaan 1.What is the text about ? 2.What do you

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari gataulah002 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Pertanyaan 1.What is the text about ? 2.What do you know about ubud , tell us about it ! 3.Where is ubud located ? 4.What is the 1st paragraph main idea ? 5.Is ubud popular in the world ,is it yes ,why ? 6.Have you ever gone to pandawa beach? If you ever ,when and why ? 7. What is the international airport in bali ? 8.Please ,Mentions 5 tourism objects in bali beside ubud and pandawa beach ! 9.What is villa ? 10.What is the synonym of souvenir ?​
Pertanyaan 1.What is the text about ? 2.What do you know about ubud , tell us about it ! 3.Where is ubud located ? 4.What is the 1st paragraph main idea ? 5.Is ubud popular in the world ,is it yes ,why ? 6.Have you ever gone to pandawa beach? If you ever ,when and why ? 7. What is the international airport in bali ? 8.Please ,Mentions 5 tourism objects in bali beside ubud and pandawa beach ! 9.What is villa ? 10.What is the synonym of souvenir ?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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maaf kalo salah. hehe..........

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Last Update: Fri, 20 May 22