Captionless ImageA. FinallyB. I’m sorryC. Let me seeD. You are

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari iqbaldwipradipta pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Captionless ImageA. Finally
B. I’m sorry
C. Let me see
D. You are right
5 points
Captionless Image
A. Open the window
B. Close the window
C. Turn off the lamp
D. Turn on the lamp
__________ disturbing him. He is finishing his homework. *
5 points
A. Stop
B. Stay
C. Don’t
D. You needn’t
__________ patient, please! Andin will be here in a few minutes. *
5 points
A. Do
B. Be
C. Is
D. will
__________ in this lake. It’s dangerous. *
5 points
A. Don’t talk
B. Don’t swim
C. Don’t feed
D. Don’t help
You always come late. Don’t ___________ again next time. *
5 points
A. Go
B. Depart
C. Be late
D. Arriving
__________ this book if you want to know the asnwer of the question. *
5 points
A. Use
B. Buy
C. Read
D. Throw

Captionless Image
A. I’m sorry Ican’t.
B. I wish I could.
C. I’d love to come.
D. I’m very busy. Sorry.

Captionless Image
A. Unfortunately I can’t.
B. What a great idea
C. I’m so happy.
D. I like it.
From the dialog, we know that Aji …. *

Captionless Image
A. Makes a promise to Tania
B. Invites Tania to have dinner
C. Declines an invitation
D. Loves Tania
The sentence “Thank. I’d love to.” means … *

Captionless Image
A. Agreeing an appoinment
B. Cancelling invitation
C. Accepting invitation
D. Refusing an appoinment
What is the text about? *

Captionless Image
A. Simon’s and Sarah’s wedding party
B. Simon’s and Sarah’s housewarming party
C. Simon’s and Sarah’s invitation
D. Simon’s and Sarah’s address
When will the party be held? *

Captionless Image
A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the evening
D. At night
If you are not able to come, you should … *

Captionless Image
A. Send a letter to Simon
B. Speak up to Sarah
C. Call Kiara
D. Invite Kiara
What do the students of VIII-B say to complement their friend? *
Captionless Image
A. It was a tough competition
B. Winning the speech contest this year
C. We are so proud of you
D. We wish you the best always
What way Roy achievement? *

Captionless Image
A. Played the table tennis compettition.
B. Won the table tennis compettition.
C. Become proud to his friends.
D. Be always the best.
“We are so proud of you.” The word “you” refers to ….. *

Captionless Image
A. Roy
B. The table tennis team
D. Teachers
The purpose of the text above is …. *
aptionless Image
A. To persuade someone
B. To entertain someone
C. To congratulate someone
D. To invite someone
What has Salsabila done? *

Captionless Image
A. Won the contest and keep her good jobs
B. Passed her study and accepted in the best school
C. Invited Nanda to his celebration day
D. Graduated from University
"Your achievement proves that you’re the best." The word “achievement” means… . *

Captionless Image
A. Development
B. Assessment
C. Success
D. Process​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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a b d c b c a b d c a d b a c b c a d b

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Last Update: Mon, 24 Jan 22