Example:(+) The boys climbed the big trees(- ) The boys

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari adamfebryanmersmpn12 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Example:(+) The boys climbed the big trees
(- ) The boys did not climb the big trees
(? ) Did the boys climb the tree?


1.(+) I got this scar on my check last week (-)..................................
2. (+)My sister went to the festival last monday.
3.(+) Her brother slept in his own bedroom
4.(+) We sang happy song yesterday (-).................................
5.(+) Mrs.Ningrum taught us traditional and songs

mohon bantu kerjakan mau di kumpulkan sebentar, kerjakan seperti contoh di example​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. (-) I did not got this scar on my check last week

(?) did you got that scar on your check last week?

2.(-) My sister did not go to the festival last monday

(-) Did your sister go to the festival last monday?

3.(-) Her brother did not sleep in his own bedroom

(?) Does her brother sleep in his own bedroom?

4.(-)We did not sing happy song yesterday

(?)Did they sing happy song yesterday?

5.(-)Mrs. Ningrum did not teach us traditional and songs

(?) Did Mrs. Ningrum teach you traditional and songs?


Maaf jika salah

semoga membantu!

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Last Update: Tue, 24 May 22