20. “ Fatimah ate her lunch.” The negative form of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari azzahrafirzatulasha pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

20. “ Fatimah ate her lunch.” The negative form of the sentence is…. * A. Fatimah did not eat her lunch B. Fatimah not did eat her lunch C. Did Fatimah eat her lunch? D. Fatimah do not eat her lunch21. “ Arya did the homework last night.” The negative form of the sentence is…. * A. Arya do not did the homework last night B. Arya does the homework last night C. Arya did not do the homework last night D. Arya is not do the homework
22. “ The boys played football yesterday .” The interrogative form of the sentence is…. * A. Did the boys play football yesterday ? B. Does the boys play football yesterday ? C. Was the boys played football yesterday ? D. Are the boys played football yesterday ?
23. “ Susan came late this morning.” The interrogative form of the sentence is…. * A. Did Susan come late this morning? B. Does Susan come late this morning? C. Do Susan come late this morning? D. Is Susan come late this morning?
24. The best arrangement of these words is… (Cleaned – yesterday – I – my bedroom) * A. My bedroom yesterday I cleaned B. I cleaned my bedroom yesterday C. Yesterday I cleaned my bedroom D. I cleaned yesterday my bedroom
25. The best arrangement of these words is… (Made – delicious – my mom – cake) * A. My mom made delicious cake B. Cake delicious made my mom C. My mom made cake delicious D. Delicious cake made by my mom​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.









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Last Update: Wed, 01 Jun 22