1.Why should the users read the instruction before removing the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari putrajonih pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1.Why should the users read the instruction before removing the SIM card?A. To be able follow the instructions of removing the SIM card

C. To make sure the users remove the SIM card


B. To help the users recognise the parts of aSIM card.

D. To give the users a description of aSIM card tray

2.Annisa – in – has – two – lived – ago – Jakarta – since – years

A. Annisa has lived since two years ago in Jakarta

C. Annisa has lived in Jakarta since two years ago

B. Has Annisa lived in Jakarta since two years ago

D. Since two years ago Annisa has lived in Jakarta​
1.Why should the users read the instruction before removing the SIM card?A. To be able follow the instructions of removing the SIM card C. To make sure the users remove the SIM cardproperly B. To help the users recognise the parts of aSIM card. D. To give the users a description of aSIM card tray2.Annisa – in – has – two – lived – ago – Jakarta – since – yearsA. Annisa has lived since two years ago in Jakarta C. Annisa has lived in Jakarta since two years ago B. Has Annisa lived in Jakarta since two years ago D. Since two years ago Annisa has lived in Jakarta​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


C. To make sure the users remove the SIM card


D. Since two years ago Annisa has lived in Jakarta

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Last Update: Mon, 28 Feb 22