Soal:Brand of productName of product Content/AmountDescriptionIngredientsDirections to use&dosageDirections to storeExpiration

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nabilakiranti pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Soal:Brand of product
Name of product
Directions to use&dosage
Directions to store
Expiration date

Bantu dong kk.Itu soal nya ada dua​
Soal:Brand of productName of product Content/AmountDescriptionIngredientsDirections to use&dosageDirections to storeExpiration dateBantu dong kk.Itu soal nya ada dua​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1.Brand of product:Novel tea

Name of product:Tulsi tes extract

Content/Amount:Full flavour,antioxidant tea in an airless pump to ensure freshhome

Description: caffeine free,no artificial colour,no artificial flavour,no preservatives

Ingredients:organic mulai extract flavour

Directions to use&dosage:(maaf sobat direction nya ada tapi bacaannya gk jelas:v)

Directions to store:store in a cool,dry place

Expiration date:Not available

2.Brand of product:Farm house

Name of product : oatmeal bread

Content/Amount:Not available

Description:No chemicals,no additives

Ingredients:stone ground organic,,whole grain wheat,flour,organic ost flakes, water,honey,yeast,salt

Directions to use&dosage:not available

Directions to store:not available

Expiration date:not available


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Last Update: Tue, 28 Dec 21