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Tuliskan kisah Sirah Nabawiyah dalam bahasa Inggris secara singkat!​

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Muhammad (Arabic: محمد), more Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Mutthalib bin Hashim (born in Mecca, April 20, 570 - died in Madinah, June 8 632 at the age of 62 years) was a prophet and apostles for Muslims. He started the spread of Islam to all mankind and to pass a single rule of Islam. Although non-Muslims generally regard Muhammad as the founder of Islam, in the Muslim view, Muhammad equally uphold the teachings of monotheism to the Oneness of God as brought before since the prophets and apostles of Noah. Muslims mention Muhammad with the greeting of respect "Shalallaahu 'Alayhi Wasallam" and accompanied by the prayers of the Prophet Muhammad played every name. Born in 570 in Mecca, Muhammad passed childhood as an orphan; he grew up under the tutelage of his grandfather Abdul Muttalib then his uncle Abu Talib. Teenager, Muhammad worked as a trader. He sometimes retreating into a cave of a hill up many nights for reflection and prayer; narrated at the age of 40, Muhammad visited by the Angel Gabriel and received his first revelation from God. He declared himself as a messenger of God, as the prophets of God had previously sent. Three years after the first revelation, Muhammad began to preach openly, declaring the oneness of God in the form of surrender by Islam as the true religion and leave worshiped besides Allah. Muhammad received revelation gradually until his death. Practices or deeds of Muhammad narrated in the hadith, referred to by Muslims as a source of Islamic law along with the Al-Quran. Muhammad and the early followers found various forms of opposition and persecution from several tribes of Mecca. As the continuous persecution, Muhammad justifies some of his followers migrated to Abyssinia, before Muhammad started his mission of hijrah to Medina in 622. The events move marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar Hijri calendar. In Medina, Muhammad unite the tribes under the Charter of Medina. After the last eight years for the attack tribes of Mecca, Muhammad collect 10,000 Muslims to lay siege of Mecca. The attack had no significant resistance, and Muhammad took over the town with little bloodshed. He destroyed the idols. In 632, a few months after returning to Medina after undergoing the Hajj Wada, Muhammad fell ill and died. Muhammad left the Arabian Peninsula which has been united in a single government Islam and most have accepted Islam.


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Last Update: Sat, 05 Mar 22