They ... football every afternoon. (+)My teacher ..... me many

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari farhanapfebriansyah1 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

They ... football every afternoon. (+)My teacher ..... me many tasks. (+)

You and I ..... write a story every month. (-)

Dewi ... me a letter. (+)

John ..... here twice a week. (+)

My little sister and her friends always ..... the windows every morning and let the fresh air come into their bedroom. (+)

When Rina and Beno.... on vacation every year, she never fly. (+)

My brother and Bimo ... drive the car. (-)

Tom and Gina always .... a book every night. (+)

Kathy always ...... about her boss. She hates her job (+).

We .... ride a motorcycle every afternoon. (-)

Tomi ..... in Florida, but prefers in California.Tini ...... here very often. (-)

Ira .... four languages, but I love Italian above all (+)

My uncle ..... me good present today. (+)

Rina and Dewi .... write their homework. (-)

Nina .... watch TV. (-)

The girls .... her house every morning.(+)

Doni ..... his mother every morning. (+)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. are playing
  2. gave
  3. are not
  4. sent
  5. come's
  6. open
  7. goes
  8. can't
  9. reading
  10. mad (im not sure sorry)
  11. are not
  12. wasn't, come's
  13. can spoke
  14. give
  15. not doing
  16. not
  17. come's to
  18. greet's


semoga membantu, maaf kalau ada yg salah:)

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Last Update: Mon, 24 Jan 22