1. The dictionary is thick, but the notebook is 2. The

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari adindaazzaaprilia pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. The dictionary is thick, but the notebook is2. The cat's fur is soft, but the crocodile skin is
3. The black mobile phone is expensive, but the red mobile phone is
4. The gate is open, but the door is
5. Andy's shirt is clean, but his trousers are
6. This white flower is beautiful, but that yellow flower is
7. Sarah is tall, but her sister is
8. He has fat sister, but his brother is.
9. The glasses are empty, but the bottles are
10. My father help me to leave the heavy table, but he will not help me to leave
Tolong jawab

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The dictionary is thick, but the notebook is ( thin )

2.2. The cat's fur is soft, but the crocodile skin is ( rough )

3.The black mobile phone is expensive, but the red mobile phone is ( cheap )

4.The gate is open, but the door is ( closed )

5.Andy's shirt is clean, but his trousers are ( dirty )

6.This white flower is beautiful, but that yellow flower is ( bad )?

7.Sarah is tall, but her sister is ( short (

8.He has fat sister, but his brother is ( skinny )

9.The glasses are empty, but the bottles are ( full , filled )

10.My father help me to leave the heavy table, but he will not help me to leave

pillow ( maksudnya apa ceog soalnya ga jelas )

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Last Update: Wed, 08 Jun 22