"I wish that pony was mine," said a little boy,

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"I wish that pony was mine," said a little boy, who stood at a window looking down the road. "What would you do with it?" asked his brother "Ride it; that's what I'd do." "All day long?" "Yes, from morning till night." "You'd let me ride it sometimes said the brother. "Why should I? You would have no right to him he was mine." "Father would make you let me have it part of time." "No, he wouldn't!" "My children," said the mother, who had been ening, and now saw that they were beginning to angry with each other, and all for nothing. Then, told them a story how a quarrel began for an unreal thing between two boysIn the end, the children laughed. Their mother said, "You see in what trifles quarrels often begin Were you any wiser than the boys in the story in your half angry talk about an imaginary pony? If I had not been here

9. What were the two boys are talking about?

A pony from a stable
B Their father's pony
C pony passing on the street
D. A pony grassing near the window

10. What is the character of the little boy?

A. Had tempered B Sportive
C. Stingy D. Generous

11. The underlined word in "Father would make you let me have it part of the time." means

A. always C. often
B. never D. sometimes

12.From the text we know that

A. The little boy got what he dreamed of
B The two boys remained good to each other
C. The mother taught the boys how to ride a pony
D. The mother reminded them to share what they had

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


9. c

10. c

11. g tau

12. d


hehe udh y

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Last Update: Mon, 13 Jun 22