Change these Sentences into negative (-) and intrrogative(?) !Positve(+)1. He

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fatimaaahsiti07 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Change these Sentences intonegative (-) and intrrogative(?) !

1. He runs every morning.
2. My students are late to class.
3. He teaches English.
4. They take public transport.
5. There is somebody answer the question.
6. Your sister plays the piano.
7. Their English is very good.
8. My parents look healthy.
9. You and I go to the canteen.
10. I am proud of you.

tolong diselesaikan ya:")​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



1. He runs every morning.

(-) He doesn't run every morning.

(?) Does he run every morning?

2. My students are late to class.

(-) My students aren't late to class.

(?) Are my students late to class?

3. He teaches English.

(-) He doesn't teach English.

(?) Does he teach English?

4. They take public transport.

(-) They don't take public transport.

(?) Do they take public transport?

5. There is somebody answer the question.

(-) There isn't somebody answer the question.

(?) Is there somebody answering the question?

6. Your sister plays the piano.

(-) Your sister doesn't play the piano.

(?) Does your sister play the piano?

7. Their English is very good.

(-) Their English isn't very good.

(?) Is their English very good?

8. My parents looks healthy.

(-) My parents don't look healthy.

(?) Do my parents look healthy?

9. You and I go to the canteen.

(-) You and I don't go to the canteen.

(?) Do you and I go to the canteen?

10. I am proud of you.

(-) I am not proud of you.

(?) Do I proud of you?


kurang lebih begitu bro, boleh dikoreksi klo ada yang salah hehe


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Last Update: Wed, 11 May 22