tolong kak di bantu, plisss banget​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari QueenaB pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Tolong kak di bantu, plisss banget​
tolong kak di bantu, plisss banget​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



1. She studies English everyday

2. he is washing his car now

3. He will go to the hospital next year.

4. he ate a bowl of meatball yesterday.

5. didin was sleeping when his mother cooked

6. Dony has lived here since 2018

7. Jhony is swimming in the pool.

8. Stephanie played the doll yesterday

9. Rendy was calling me when i slept

10. Yuni had locked the door before she went to malang.


1. *Life* is wonderful

2. The author has published his new *book*

3. we will go to *bali* tommorrow

4. The students will do *the english test*

5. *the book* is on the table

6. she is *tini*

7. Gogo bought *a new house* yesterday

8. She has brought *her new bag*

9. *dedy* is the best student at his school

10. She gives me *some of money*


1. She is beautiful

2. marry was absent last week.

3. the room was very big.

4. He had two happy big brown pigeons

5. She has a beautiful daughter.

6. he is good at english

8. the book is very thick.

9.he was famous because of his cruelty.

10. my water bottle is full of water.


1. I rarely go to the movie theater since the ticket price went up.

2. I can finish all of my tasks and go home early.

3. My brother will study after he finishes dinner.

4. I visited grandpa recently because I wanted to give him my wedding invitation.

5. Don’t worry, it all soon shall pass

6. My sister and I are always late because she drives very slowly.

7. She painted the whole scenery beautifully.

8. Hurry up and get down here! I need your help!

9. Her whole family moved to Bandung and they live there now.

10. The technician wiped the data in my hard drive entirely and it could not be restored.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh andinuye22 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Sun, 10 Apr 22