Passive Voice: Present Continuous Tense Exercise 1 : Complete these

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dilzasunarko05 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Passive Voice: Present Continuous TenseExercise 1 : Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present continuous passive

1. Look at that! A new supermarket ...(build) in this street

2. You car will be ready soon. It ... just ... (wash)

3. You can't see the horses, they ... (feed) now.

4. What's the problem? The film ... today. (not-show)

5. Wait a minute please. The dinner ... for you. (prepare)

6. Because of the fire children ... at their classrooms. (not - teach)

7. I can't use my PC. A new operating system ... on it. (install)

8. The pool is now full of hair because swim caps ... in it (not - use)

9. Christmas is coming and much more goods ... in shops (display) 10. I' m sorry. It' s

10 o'clock customers ... anymore (not - serve)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Look at that! A new supermarket is being built in this street

2. Your car will be ready soon. It is just being washed

3. You can't see the horse. They are being fed now

4. What's the problem? The film is not being showed now

5. Wait a minute please. The dinner is being prepared for you

6. Because of the fire children are not being taught at their classrooms

7. I can't use my PC. A new operating system is being installed on it

8. The pool is now full of hair because swim caps are not being used in it

9. Christmas is coming and much more goods are being displayed in shops

10. I'm sorry, it's 10 o'clock customers are not being served anymore

semoga membantu. jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya

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Last Update: Thu, 02 Jun 22