Activity 1 Listen to the tape and complete the blanks!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari holifatulkamila762 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Activity 1 Listen to the tape and complete the blanks! My class had an English test ... (1). My teacher, Miss Santika, returned the test papers to us this morning. There were only two ... (2) on my paper. Miss Santika congratulated me... the best score. I was very happy. (3) I got I worked really hard for the test from the very beginning. During English lesson, Miss Santika (4) the materials well, so I paid attention carefully. At home, I studied the materials and I also did all of the exercises on the book. I ... (5) the stories in my book. I looked for the meaning of the words that I ... (6) know in the dictionary and wrote them down. After that, I ... (7) the words and the meanings. I answered all questions about those (8). I also practiced the conversation and observed them. My sister also helped me to ... (9). We practiced the conversation together. She also dictated some sentences for me and I wrote them down. She checked my works and ... (10) my mistakes.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. My class had an English test yesterday.
  2. There were only two mistakes on my paper.
  3. Miss Santika congratulated me for the best score. I was very happy.
  4. During English lesson, Miss Santika explained the materials well, so I paid attention carefully.
  5. I read the stories in my book.
  6. I looked for the meaning of the words that I didn't know in the dictionary and wrote them down.
  7. After that, I memorized the words and the meanings.
  8. I answered all questions about those stories.
  9. My sister also helped me to practice.
  10. She checked my works and corrected my mistakes.


Soal di atas kurang lengkap karena bunyi perintahnya adalah "Listen to the tape and complete the blanks!" (Dengarkanlah rekaman dan lengkapilah bagian yang kosong.) Jadi pertanyaan tersebut berdasarkan kegiatan mendengarkan (listening), baik mendengarkan melalui rekaman atau mendengarkan teks yang dibacakan guru.

Karena tidak ada rekaman maka kita bisa memperkirakan apa yang dibicarakan dengan cara melihat konteks dialogdantenses yang digunakan. Konteks dialog di atas adalah tentang ujian bahasa Inggris dan metode yang digunakan oleh pembicara dalam menghadapi ujiannya.

Teks tersebut juga berupa recount text yang berisi pengalaman seseorang, maka ingat tenses yang digunakan selalu dalam bentuk past tense karena menceritakan kejadian yang sudah lewat.

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang recount text disini:


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Last Update: Wed, 08 Jun 22