Coming Home from the CinemaAfter the movie was over, I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nur481290 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Coming Home from the CinemaAfter the movie was over, I left the cinema quickly. My watch showed 11.30 p.m. as I got on to my bicycle. I pedalled hard on my bicycle and was soon speeding home. My thought went back to the movie I had just seen. It was a scary story. I could remember clearly a woman screaming as she was being attacked by a monster. Somehow that frightful scene stayed in my mind and I could not forget it.

The road was dark and quiet. I had to pass a graveyard on the way home. As I approached the graveyard, I heard some sounds behind me. I was frightened and began to cycle faster. The sound came nearer and nearer. Then I heard a familiar voice calling me. I looked back and saw Hadi, my classmate. He had also seen the movie and was frightened too. He had cycled after me so that he would not be alone. Both of us laughed out loud over our behavior.

1. What is the purpose of the text above?

2. Identify Orientation, Event and reorientation of experience above!​

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Last Update: Tue, 03 May 22