Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari anggawhite50 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
-past tense-
Jawaban untuk setiap nomor:
- Ririn bought candies but she didn't buy some cake.
- Mother went to the bank but she didn't go to the supermarket.
- Nana bought a new jacket but she didn't buy a T-shirt.
- The cat played the ball but it didn't play the doll.
- Father read the newspaper but he didn't read the magazine.
- Aqila wrote a letter but she didn't write a poem.
- Father washed a car but he didn't wash a motorcycle.
- Grandma made the cake but she didn't make the bread.
- Arman needed ball but he didn't need shuttlecóck.
- The students studied Geography but they didn't study History.
Simple past tense adalah kalimat untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang terjadi pada masa lalu tanpa keterangan waktu mutlak.
❰ pola kalimat ❱
kalimat verbal:
- (+) subject + verb 2 + O/C
- (-) subject + did + not + verb 1 + O/C
- (?) did + subject + verb 1 + O/C + ?
kalimat nominal:
- (+) subject + was/were + O/C
- (-) subject + was/were + not + O/C
- (?) was/were + subject + O/C + ?
Diminta untuk membuat kalimat dengan kata-kata yang disediakan. Langsung saja kita perhatikan contoh:
Nomor 1
Ririn - buy - candies - some cake
➝ Ririn bought candies but she didn't buy some cake.
~ Analisis: Pembentukan kalimatnya yaitu dengan menentukan verb 2 dari kata buy. Lalu, setelah candies ditambahkan "but + (subject pronoun) + didn't + (verb 1 form)" dan juga kata benda yang terakhir.
Verb 2 dari buyadalahbought. Subject pronoun dari Ririn (perempuan tunggal) adalah she. Buy sudah dalam bentuk verb 1. Kata benda yang terakhir tertera adalah some cake.
Untuk menyelesaikan nomor lainnya, kita bisa gunakan konsep yang sama.
Nomor 2
Mother - go - the bank - the supermarket
- Verb 2 dari goadalahwent.
- Subject pronoundarimotheradalahshe (but she didn't go + (to) the supermarket)
➝ Mother went to the bank but she didn't go to the supermarket.
Nomor 3
Nana - buy - a new jacket - a T-shirt
- Verb 2 dari buyadalahbought.
- Subject pronoundari Nana adalahshe (but she didn't buy + a t-shirt)
➝ Nana bought a new jacket but she didn't buy a T-shirt.
Nomor 4
The cat - play the ball - the doll
- Verb 2 dari playadalahplayed.
- Subject pronoundarithe catadalahit (but it didn't play + the doll)
➝ The cat played the ball but it didn't play the doll.
Nomor 5
Father - read - the newspaper - the magazine
- Verb 2 dari readadalahread (tidak berubah bentuknya).
- Subject pronoundarifatheradalahhe (but he didn't read + the magazine)
➝ Father read the newspaper but he didn't read the magazine.
Jawaban per nomornya adalah:
- Ririn bought candies but she didn't buy some cake.
- Mother went to the bank but she didn't go to the supermarket.
- Nana bought a new jacket but she didn't buy a T-shirt.
- The cat played the ball but it didn't play the doll.
- Father read the newspaper but he didn't read the magazine.
- Aqila wrote a letter but she didn't write a poem.
- Father washed a car but he didn't wash a motorcycle.
- Grandma made the cake but she didn't make the bread.
- Arman needed ball but he didn't need shuttlecóck.
- The students studied Geography but they didn't study History.
Soal yang terkait dengan materi pronoun:
Materi simple past tense:
❛ Kelas: IX
❛ Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
❛ Materi: Bab 5 – Past, Present, Future Tense
❛ Kode: 9.5.5
❛ Kata kunci: melengkapi kalimat, did not, verbal sentence, verb 1, verb 2, past tense
semoga bermanfaat ᵕ̈
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Last Update: Sun, 07 Aug 22