tolong ubahin dari kalimat active ke pasive1. My Younger sister

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari herizqifirmanda79 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Tolong ubahin dari kalimat active ke pasive1. My Younger sister are paalying a doll in the garden.
2. Hilya Made the birthday cake
3. My uncle is cleaning the room
4. Miss Brenda teaches English Every tuesday
5. Linda sent the letter three days ago
6. Tania is planting the rose flower
7. The students class 9 bring the English book
8. All the teachers of SMP 17 read the book in the library
9. I saw the Tiger in the zoo
10. They do the task.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Passive Voice

1) A doll are being played in the garden by my younger sister.

2) The birthday cake was made by Hilya.

3) The room is being cleaned by my uncle.

4) English is taught by Brenda every Tuesday.

5) The letter was sent by Linda three days ago.

6) The rose flower is being planted by Tania.

7) The English book is being brought by the students class 9.

8) The book are read in the library by all the teachers of SMP 17.

9) The tiger was seen in the zoo by me.

10) The task are done by them.


I hope this help

Please, jangan dihapus

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Last Update: Mon, 09 May 22