change the sentences into positive, negative,or interrogative 1. (+) Ratna

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari adilahayatina00 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Change the sentences into positive, negative,or interrogative1. (+) Ratna learns four languages.
2. (+).....................................….................
(-)Umar and citra don't do the homework together.
3. (+).....................................….................
(?)Does your father work very hard?
4. (+).....................................….................
(-) Martin doesn't repair his bike.
5. (+).....................................….................
(-) Mr.hoald doesn't teach history.
6. (+).....................................….................
(?) Does mount Kelud often erupt?
7. (+) we play guitar very well.
8. (+).....................................….................
(-) these bags don't cost a lot of money.
9. (+).....................................….................
(?) Does Farah have breakfast every morning?
10. (+) Farmers plant rice in the field

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. - ratna doesn't learn for language

? does ratna learn for language?

2.+ umar and citra do the homework together


3.+ my father work very hard

- my father does'nt work very hard

4. + Martin repair his bike

? does martin repair his bike?

5. + mr hoald teach history

? does mr hoald teach history?

6. + mount Kelud often erupt

- mount Kelud does'nt often erupt

7. - we don't play guitar very well.

? do you play guitar very well?

8. + these bags cost a lot of money.

? do these bags cost a lot of money.

9. + Farah have breakfast every morning

- Farah does'nt have breakfast every morning

10. - Farmers does'nt plant rice in the field

? does Farmers plant rice in the field ?

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Last Update: Sun, 01 May 22