1. What animals do you see in the picture ?2.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari asiapppp87 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. What animals do you see in the picture ?2. How many animals are there in the picture ?
3. Write down the characters of the animals in the picture !
4. What are the animals doing ?
5. What are the zookeeper doing ?

mohon dibantu kak, makasiii ​
1. What animals do you see in the picture ?2. How many animals are there in the picture ?3. Write down the characters of the animals in the picture !4. What are the animals doing ?5. What are the zookeeper doing ?mohon dibantu kak, makasiii ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. Bear, Tiger, Monkey, Elephant, and Deer
  2. There are 6 animals in the picture
  3. (Bear is a very big animal. Its favorite food is fresh fish from the river.)  (Tiger has a black stripe on its orange fur. It has canine teeth and a big paw.) (Monkey has a long tail. Monkey likes to eat banana. It has 2 hands and 2 legs like human.) (Elephant is an heavy animal. It has big ears, long trunk, and grey body. It also has two ivories on its face.) (Deer has two antlers on its head. It likes to eat vegetables and its color is brown.)
  4. Bear is bathing. Tiger is sitting. Elephant is fed by the zookeeper. Monkey is hanging on the tree. Deer is drinking water from the pound.
  5. Zookeeper is petting the elephant's trunk.

Good luck!

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Last Update: Sun, 10 Apr 22