Dialog 2 Amira : Do you know a tigon?

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nadiskamaharani97 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Dialog 2Amira : Do you know a tigon?
Arya : No, I don't. What is it? Is it an animal?
Amira : It is. A tigon is a crossbreed of a male tiger with a female lion.
Arya : What does the animal look like?
Amira : It has a medium-size body, like its mother, and stripes like tigers. A male tigon has mane, like a male lion.
Arya : I see. Let me check this animal on the Internet.
Amira : Good idea!

Dialog 3
Nadia : What is it?
Andy : It's dad's portable projector.
Nadia : What does it look like?
Andy : It's small. It has a lamp at the front, to project images on computer onto a surface or wide scree It can be connected to a smartphone and laptop.
Nadya : That's cool! I'm excited to try it.
Andy Let's try it after dad arrives home.
Nadya : Okay.

Dialog 2
1. What is the dialog about?
2. What kind of animal is it actually?
3. What does the male look like?
4. Who knows well about the animal?
5. What will Arya do after the conversation?

Dialog 3
1. Where does the dialog take place?
2. What does Andy bring?
3. What is the item used for?
4. When will they try to operate the device?
5. "i'm excited to try it." What is the closest meaning of 'exited'? ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


doalong 2

1.aboat the tigon on crossbread

2.male tiger and female lion

3.it has medium size ,like its mother and stripes like tiger . a male tiger have mane , like her mother


5.see tigon from internet

dialog 3

1.nadya home maybe

2.lamp portable projector

3 .samrtphone and laptop

4 when andy go home

5 bersemngat

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Last Update: Sat, 16 Apr 22