Change the following sentences into positive, negative and interrogative forms.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari riatinata86 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Change the following sentences into positive, negative and interrogative forms. 1.    (+) _________________________________________________(-) We don’t eat in this restaurant once a week.
(?) _________________________________________________

  2.    (+) _________________________________________________
(-) _________________________________________________
(?) Did Emely come to my house yesterday.

  3.    (+) _________________________________________________
(-) _________________________________________________
(?) Are they lazy?  

4.    (+) Mia and Rudi got a new job a week ago.
(-) __________________________________________________
(?) __________________________________________________

  5.    (+) _________________________________________________
(-) Bianca is not going to celebrate her birthday here.
(?) _________________________________________________  

6.    (+) _________________________________________________
(-) He doesn’t bring a new bag.
(?) _________________________________________________  

7.    (+) _________________________________________________
(-) _________________________________________________
(?) Are we dancing now.

  8.    (+) _________________________________________________
(-) Anita won’t drink a glass of coffee.
(?) _________________________________________________

  9.    (+) _________________________________________________
(-) Fish doesn’t live in the water.
(?) _________________________________________________

  10. (+)  ________________________________________________
(-)   Ratna didn’t attend her brother’s wedding.
(?) _________________________________________________                    

peliss batu jawab yang benar jagan asal ini hari ini mau kumpul peliss bantu jawab​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


(+)  We eat in this restaurant once a week

(-) We don’t eat in this restaurant once a week.

(?)Do we eat in this restaurant once a week?

(+) Emely came to my house yesterday.

(-) Emely didn't come to my house yesterday.

(?) Did Emely come to my house yesterday?

(+) They're lazy.

(-) They're not lazy.

(?) Are they lazy?  

(+) Mia and Rudi got a new job a week ago.

(-) Mia and Rudi didn't get a new job.

(?) Did Mia and Rudi get a new job a week ago?

(+)Bianca is going to celebrate her birthday here.

(-) Bianca is not going to celebrate her birthday here.

(?) Is Bianca going to celebrate her birthday here?

(+) He brought a new bag

(-) He doesn’t bring a new bag.

(?) Did he bring a new bag?

(+)We're dancing now.

(-) We're not dancing now.

(?) Are we dancing now?

(+) Anita drank a glass of coffee.

(-) Anita didn’t drink a glass of coffee.

(?) Did Anita drink a glass of coffee?

(+) Fish lives in the water.

(-) Fish doesn’t live in the water.

(?) Do fish live in the water?

(+)  Ratna attended her brother's wedding.

(-)   Ratna didn’t attend her brother’s wedding.

(?) Did Ratna attend her brother's wedding?

I answered this as best as I could, hope it helps you.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh therickzone24 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

Apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam mengerjakan soal, silahkan koreksi jawaban dengan mengirimkan email ke melalui halaman Contact

Last Update: Thu, 02 Jun 22