bisa bantu gk kak?1. what is the purpose of the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari safitriadela74 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Bisa bantu gk kak?1. what is the purpose of the message? 2. what assignment do Ryan and Sonia have?
3. why should Ryan and Sonia finish the video soon?
4. why should Ryan reply to the message immediately?
5. what Will heppen if Ryan and Sonia don't the video editing soon?​​
bisa bantu gk kak?1. what is the purpose of the message? 2. what assignment do Ryan and Sonia have? 3. why should Ryan and Sonia finish the video soon? 4. why should Ryan reply to the message immediately? 5. what Will heppen if Ryan and Sonia don't the video editing soon?​​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. the purpose is to inform Ryan about the school documentary video that will be broadcast on the school anniversary celebration so, he'll start to edit the school documentary video from 2 weeks ahead.
  2. the assignment they have to do is to edit the school documentary video that will be broadcast on their school anniversary.
  3. it's for the school anniversary celebration and they should finish it in 2 weeks.
  4. because the video will be broadcast in two weeks and it's important for him and Sonia to edit the video school documentary immediately that's why they have to finish it soon.
  5. then, two weeks ahead their video will fail to Broadcast

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Last Update: Thu, 18 Aug 22