Collecting Stamps Children love collecting stamps. The stamps are colorful

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari hariznurzain45 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Collecting Stamps Children love collecting stamps. The stamps are colorful and the pictures are interesting. Collecting stamp is really useful. The stamp record certain important event, art, culture tourist resort, insect, animals, sport, natural disasters and still many other. So by seeing the year, for example, we can remember when the total solar eclipse happened. The older stamps have higher their value will be. From the stamps we can also learn the currency of other country, name of the presidents, flags and soon. We have two or more on the same kind, we can keep one and exchange the rest to other friends. This one the way to make our collection more complete.•The people like collecting stamps because... a.the stamps are colorful
b. the picture are colorful
C. the stamps can put in an album
d. collecting stamps is very useful

•What is the main idea of paragraph two?
a. the children love collecting stamps
b. the importance of collecting stamps
c. collecting stamps is a good hobby
d. the way to make our collection more complete
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Last Update: Sun, 19 Feb 23