televisiontelevision,or tv, is one of humanity's most(1)...means of brings

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari atikarizkiaputri pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Televisiontelevision,or tv, is one of humanity's most(1)...means of brings pictures and sounds from around the(2)...into millions of homes.
people with a television set can(3) their house and(4)...the president makes a speech or visits a foreign country.they can(5)...a war being fought,and they can watch government leaders try to bring about peace.through television, viewers at home can see and(6)...about people,places,and things in a away lands.
in addition to all these things, television (7)'s viewers a steady stream of programmes that are designed to(8) fact,tv(9)...many more entertainment programmes than any other kind of information media.the programmes (10)...action-packed dramas, light comedies,soap operas, sports events, cartoons, quizzes, variety shows,and motion pictures.
a.brings b.learn c.sit d.provides e.entertain g.important i.see j.include
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1. G

2. H

3. C

4. I

5. F

6. B

7. D

8. E

9. A

10. J


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Last Update: Sat, 04 Jun 22