make a question based on the bold italicized words.​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari AN171KA pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Make a question based on the bold italicized words.​
make a question based on the bold italicized words.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Where is Raihan washing his hands now?

2. What were the students doing in the classroom?

3. When were the farmers planting watermelons in the rice field?

4. What is Renata cooking in the kitchen now?

5. When are the teachers discussing about Corona Virus?

6. Who was reading horror novel last week?

7. Where is Tiara singing western songs now?

8. What were the students playing guitars in the classroom for?



  • Who untuk menanyakan siapa
  • Why untuk menanyakan sebab
  • What untuk menanyakan benda atau objek
  • When untuk menanyakan waktu
  • Where untuk menanyakan tempat lokasi
  • Which untuk menanyakan pilihan
  • Whose untuk menanyakan kepemilikan
  • How untuk menanyakan kabar atau cara


Task 2

Make a question based on the bold italicized words.

1. Raihan is washing his hands in the washbasin now.

2. The students were doing the English test in the classroom.

3. The farmers were planting water melons in the rice field last season.

4. Renata is cooking 'Soto Betawi' in the kitchen now.

5. The teachers are discussing about Corona Virus now.

6. Faisal was reading horror novel last week.

7. Tiara is singing western songs on the stage now.

8. The students were playing guitars in the classroom for music test.


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Last Update: Sat, 24 Dec 22