Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb. anaxku kls 7E dn 7G yg sy banggakan.kali

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mohfrendykurniawan pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb. anaxku kls 7E dn 7G yg sy banggakan.kali ini kalian akan mengerjakan latihan.Answer these questions below.
1.what is discriptive text?
2.what kind of tense that is used in discriptive? many kind of discriptive have yuo studied?
4.what the function of adjective in discriptive? do you arrange if you want to make discriptive text? discriptive important in english subjec?give the reason.

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Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. What is discriptive text?

Answer : Descriptive text is a text that describes something. Whether people, objects, events, or places. Descriptive text provides detailed explanations so that readers understand the object of information they are looking for.

2. What kind of tense that is used in discriptive?

Answer : Simple present tense: uses the basic verb or the first form (verb 1) and uses a verb that can show the ownership or state of an object. Descriptive text uses the simple present tense because descriptive text tells a fact about the object being described.

3. How many kind of discriptive have you studied?

Answer : 3(Tree)

  • Spatial Descriptive Text. Spatial descriptive text is a text that describes the space or place where an event takes place.
  • Objective Descriptive Text. Objective descriptive text is a text that describes a thing or person by revealing identity the thing/person.
  • Subjective Descriptive Text. Subjective descriptive text is a text that describes an object such as the interpretation or impression of the author's feelings (the author's interpretation).

4. What the function of adjective in discriptive?

Answer : In descriptive text, it is usually used to describe an object by explaining the nature and characteristics of a characteristic objectively (which is seen through the eye).

5. How do you arrange if you want to make discriptive text?

Answer :

  1. The first step is to determine the theme or topic that will be used as an object.
  2. Determine the direction of writing to be able to describe objects that have been previously determined.
  3. Collect data and make direct observations about the object that you will describe.
  4. After all the required data has been collected you can now proceed to compiling the data into a writing framework.
  5. Describe the entire framework that you have created, process the data that you have managed to collect into a descriptive text that fits the topic.
  6. Discussion, in this line you explain in detail and clearly what object you are talking about.

6. Is discriptive important in english subjec?give the reason.

Answer : For me descriptive text is very important to learn. Learning English is very important, especially in terms of education.

The purpose of descriptive text is only one, namely to describe, represent or express a person or an object, both abstract and concrete.

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Last Update: Mon, 11 Jul 22