Membuat kalimat untuk mendeskripsikan beberapa Jenis Pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris

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Membuat kalimat untuk mendeskripsikan beberapa Jenis Pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris :1. Teacher
2. Surgeon
3. Policeman
4. Artist
5. Hairdresser

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mohon bantuannya ya kakk

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. teacher

In the general terms, the teacher is someone who is professional, his job is not only to educate but also to teach a science, guide, train, assess, and evaluate his students.

The teacher is someone who dedicates himself to provide a knowledge, teach, educate, direct, improve, and train his students to understand the knowledge he teaches.

It is his obligations, a teacher not only teaches formal education such as school lessons, but also other education delivered through daily behavior, therefore the teacher must be able to be a person exemplified by his students. From this description, we can understand that the teacher has a very important role related to the process of preparing the brilliant generation, from both intellectually and morally.

2. surgeon

Surgeons operate in the event of illness, injury, or disease, and can perform any number of different surgical procedures on the body. Sometimes surgeries are performed to correct problems in the body or to explore the cause of internal bleeding.

Surgeons carry out specific procedures and are in charge of all aspects of the surgery process. They oversee surgical technicians and ensure all standards of care and safety are followed in the operating room.

Surgeons can perform minimally invasive and uncomplicated procedures that last just a few minutes, or invasive and complicated surgeries that can take several hours. Since human life is at risk, surgeons must be alert, prepared for all types of emergency situations, and be able to carry out lifesaving initiatives at any time during an operation.

Surgical procedures are typically categorized by urgency, type of procedure, body system involved, and the degree of invasiveness. Elective surgery involves a non-life-threatening condition and is usually done by appointment depending on the surgeon's availability. Semi-elective surgery is done to avoid permanent disability or death, but can be put off for a short time. Emergency surgery must be done quickly to save life, limb, or functional capacity. Exploratory surgery is done to help in confirming a diagnosis. Therapeutic surgery deals with a previously diagnosed condition. Cosmetic surgery is done to improve the appearance of an otherwise normal structure.

there are so many types of surgeons, like cardiac surgeon, brain surgeon, etc

3. policeman

Police Man Is Hero For Many People. Policeman is very importan job because many people need help. when there is problem police will helping. policeman can make a country or a city is safe

4. Artist

Descriptive Text About Artist Favorite, Maudy Ayunda Maudy Ayunda is my favorite artist. She very is beautiful and smart. She make me fall in love with her since first I saw her at TV. My first time see her is when she promote a beauty product on a TV’s advertisement. Since then, she play movies and also become a singer. Her voice is also wonderful. I like the song since the first time I heard it. Maudy is also an artist that care about her education. I hear now she is studying somewhere at foreign university. I hope she will make new movies and songs soon.


Hairdresser - Cuts and styles your hair

semoga membantu ya,,

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Last Update: Tue, 26 Jul 22