Fill in the blanks with "don't" or "doesn't"! 1. I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nazmiiii0501 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Fill in the blanks with "don't" or "doesn't"!1. I usually .... do the homework in the afternoon.
2. My family and I .... visit my grandparents on the weekdays.
3. Diana .... want to join the basketball extracurricular.
4. Andi and Tina ..... play badminton when they are tired
5. My father ..... watch television after dinner.
6. Mrs. Arini .... teach the English class every day.
7. The students ..... make any noise when the teacher explains the subject.
8. The water ..... flow from the lower place to the higher place.
9. Septian ..... call me when he is busy.
10. The cat ..... want to come closer to stranger because it is easily scared.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. I usually don't do the homework in the afternoon.

2. My family and I don't visit my grandparents on the weekdays.

3. Diana doesn't want to join the basketball extracurricular.

4. Andi and Tina don't play badminton when they are tired.

5. My father doesn't watch television after dinner.

6. Mrs. Arini doesn't teach the English class every day.

7. The students don't make any noise when the teacher explains the subject.

8. The water doesn't flow from the lower place to the higher place.

9. Septian doesn't call me when he is busy.

10. The cat doesn't want to come closer to strangers because it is easily scared.

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Last Update: Sat, 09 Apr 22