Diana and her sister, tania, are at the supermaket. They

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari julitaustama pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Diana and her sister, tania, are at the supermaket. They want to buy their mother a kitchen tool as a present bcause tomorrow is her birthday.Diana : "oh my goodness! I don't know which one is better"
Tania : "i think this one is the best."
Diana : "are you sure? But i'm not at all convinced. I think this colourful mixer is better than that."
Tania : "i don't think she will like colourful mixer."
Diana : "i'm sure she will. Believe me!"
Tania : "but that mixer is more expensive than this one."
Diana : "that's ok. The most important thing is quality."
Tania : "i'm not really sure that this one is qualified."
Diana : "i'll make you sure if we buy it now and use it later."
Tania : "ok."

1.what do they want to buy?
2.do diana and tania have the same choice?
3.why does tania object to choose her sister's choice?
4.whose choice that is finally chosen?

Tolong di jawab ya pliss jangan ngasal soalnya besok senin mau dikumpul

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. They want to buy mixer
  2. Diana and Tania dont have the same choice because Diana thinks that the colorful mixer is better than the other.
  3. Tania object to choose her sister's choice because she wants to make sure that the mixer is qualified.
  4. The mixer whose Diana choose, which is the colorful one.

semoga membantu yaa

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Last Update: Sat, 11 Jun 22