Write a messages based on the following situations. 1. suppose

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari erlanditop pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Write a messages based on the following situations.1. suppose you are an osis chairperson. you send a message to the osis committe members, to remind them of a meeting related to a charity event your school will hold

2. You can't attend the english course this afternoon because of having antoher agenda. You send a message to your tutor about your absence.

3. Suppose you are a history teacher. You and your students have an online class recently. You have an idea of having a virtual trip to a museum. You send a message to your class group chat about it and ask the students to join. You ask them to prepare their laptops or smatphones connected to the internet.

tolong segera dijawab ya kak, soalnya mau dikumpulkan. terimakasih​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Write a message based on the following situations:

1. Suppose you are an OSIS Chairperson. you send a message to the OSIS Committee Members, to remind them of a meeting related to a charity event your school will hold.

Dear OSIS Committee Members,

This is to remind all of you of our meeting tomorrow with regards to our Charity Event our school will hold.

Please bring all your questions so we can discuss together to make the event successful.

Thank you.



OSIS Chairperson

2. You can't attend the English course this afternoon because of having another agenda. You send a message to your tutor about your absence.

Dear Pak Agus,

I just want to let you know that I won’t be able to attend the English course this afternoon because I have another agenda I can not avoid.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you.



3. Suppose you are a history teacher. You and your students have an online class recently. You have an idea of having a virtual trip to a museum. You send a message to your class group chat about it and ask the students to join. You ask them to prepare their laptops or smatphones connected to the internet.

Dear All History Students,

I just want to inform you that we are going to have a virtual trip to a museum next week.

Please register your name by responding to this chat.

Please make sure you prepare your laptops or smartphones connected to the internet during the virtual trip.

Thank you for your cooperation.




Pesan (Message) adalah sebuah jenis teks yang berisi sebuah pesan atau instruksi untuk melakukan, mengingatkan, menyampaikan sesuatu informasi kepada seseorang atau sekelompok orang. Pesan dapat berupa pemberitahuan, kata atau komunikasi baik lisan maupun tertulis. Pesan dapat menjadi sebuah hal utama yang menjalin komunikasi antar sesama.

Ada 3 jenis pesan:

  1. Tertulis – Jenis pesan ini disampaikan dengan tulisan sehingga penerima pesan mendapatkan informasi pesan dengan membaca pesan tersebut.
  2. Verbal – Jenis pesan ini disampaikan dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang disuarakan oleh pemberi pesan yang dapat dipahami isinya berdasarkan apa yang didengar oleh pendengarnya.
  3. Non-verbal – Jenis pesan ini disampaikan tidak dengan kata-kata langsung tapi menggunakan gerak-gerik, tingkah laku, mimik wajah atau ekspresi muka pengirim pesan. Pesan non-verbal memanfaatkan indra penglihatan untuk menangkap sinyal komunikasi.  

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Penjelasan tentang Macam-macam Pesan yomemimo.com/tugas/15897619

Penjelasan tentang Komunikasi Verbal dan Non-verbal yomemimo.com/tugas/4589837

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Last Update: Mon, 08 Aug 22